Diffing Spark DataFrames

This blog post presupposes basic knowledge of Apache Spark.

Suppose one has two data sets A and B with the same schema. We expect them to be equal, i.e.

  1. Every record in A is in B
  2. Every record in B is in A
  3. A and B have the same number of records

We would like to verify that these three conditions hold for the datasets. We also want to write any records that violate a condition to a human readable file for further inspection.

When could this be useful?

Suppose you have a Spark application or similar ETL job that writes structured data to a file. You want to refactor/optimize the job but are worried about the correctness of the refactored version. In a perfect world there would be unit tests to give you confidence in your refactor but alas, none exist and the application is large and unwieldy and not amenable to unit testing. The only option you have left is to somehow compare the final output of the existing job with the final output of your refactored version.

Example Scenario

You work for Mega Corp™ and manage a daily ETL job (Job A) that writes product transactions to a data pool that’s ingested by the marketing team for analytics purposes. As the pool of input data grows your job is slowing down and not scaling well. You attempt a performance/optimization refactor (Job B) and need to verify the format and contents of the output has been preserved.

Data Definition

The schema for our transaction data is defined by a case class. It could have any number of columns but for simplicity’s sake we’ll only look the id, product, and saleAmount.

// Each transaction is uniquely identified by id
case class Transaction(id: Long, product: String, saleAmount: BigDecimal, ...)

// Output of the original job
val jobAOutput = Seq(
    Transaction(1, "apple", 2.00),
    Transaction(2, "apple", 2.00),
    Transaction(3, "apple", 2.00)

// Output of the refactored job
val jobBOutput = Seq(
    Transaction(1, "apple", 3.00),
    Transaction(2, "apple", 2.00),
    Transaction(4, "banana", 0.50)

As you can tell the refactor didn’t go too well… Job B added a non-existent transaction (transaction 4), is missing a real transaction (transaction 3), and mistook transaction 1’s saleAmount!

Verifying output with a Spark App

Let’s write a spark application to diff the output of the current ETL job with the refactored one. To reiterate our conditions, we’d like to find the following transactions and write them to files:

  1. Transactions in Job A’s output that don’t appear in Job B’s output. I.e. the refactored job is missing transactions.
  2. Transactions in Job B’s output that don’t appear in Job A’s output. I.e. the refactored job is adding non-existent transactions!
  3. Transactions in both Job A and B’s output that don’t satisfy column equality. E.g. Transaction with “id = 2” appears in both outputs but with a different “product” value.

Spark’s API makes it very easy to handle cases 1 and 2. Case 3 requires a bit more work.

Handling cases 1 and 2 with a left anti join

A left anti join is our best friend for finding records in one dataset that don’t appear in another.

val transactionsInANotInB = jobAOutput.join(
    right = jobBOutput,
    joinExprs = jobAOutput("id") === jobBOutput("id"),
    joinType = "leftanti"

val transactionsInBNotInA = jobBOutput.join(
    right = jobAOutput,
    joinExprs = jobAOutput("id") === jobBOutput("id"),
    joinType = "leftanti"


And the output is:

// transactions in A not in B
| id|product|          saleAmount|
|  3|  apple|2.000000000000000000|

// transactions in B not in A
| id|product|          saleAmount|
|  4| banana|0.500000000000000000|

We can write these dataframes to a csv file for further inspection.

Case 3 - Columnwise comparison

Now that we’ve taken care of missing/added transactions we need to verify that the remaining transactions have the correct values. Let’s perform an inner join to get the transactions present in both job’s output’s. Since both sets of columns will be present after the join we need to prefix the column names so the join result will have unique column names. We can do this by folding over the orignal column names:

val jobAOutputPrefixed = jobAOutput.columns.foldLeft(jobAOutput) { case (df, colName) =>
    df.withColumnRenamed(colName, s"JobA_$colName")

val jobBOutputPrefixed = jobBOutput.columns.foldLeft(jobBOutput) { case (df, colName) =>
    df.withColumnRenamed(colName, s"JobB_$colName")

val transactionPairs = jobAOutputPrefixed.join(
    right = jobBOutputPrefixed,
    joinExprs = $"JobA_id" === $"JobB_id",
    joinType = "inner"


The result of the join is:

|JobA_id|JobA_product|     JobA_saleAmount|JobB_id|JobB_product|     JobB_saleAmount|
|      1|       apple|2.000000000000000000|      1|       apple|3.000000000000000000|
|      2|       apple|2.000000000000000000|      2|       apple|2.000000000000000000|

Now let’s perform a column-wise comparison and store the comparison results as additional columns to the right of the existing ones. A naive approach would be to simply check all the columns explicity:

val transactionPairComparisonResult = transactionPairs
    .withColumn("productCheck", $"JobA_product" === $"JobB_product")
    .withColumn("saleAmountCheck", $"JobA_saleAmount" === $"JobB_saleAmount")

This is acceptable for a dataframe with a limited number of columns but will violate the DRY principle for larger schemas. One can do it more concisely by folding over the original columns:

val transactionPairComparisonResult = jobAOutput.columns.foldLeft(transactionPairs) {
    case (df, colName) =>
        df.withColumn(s"${colName}Check", col(s"JobA_$colName") === col(s"JobB_$colName"))


And we get correct result:

|JobA_id|JobA_product|     JobA_saleAmount|JobB_id|JobB_product|     JobB_saleAmount|idCheck|productCheck|saleAmountCheck|
|      1|       apple|2.000000000000000000|      1|       apple|3.000000000000000000|   true|        true|          false|
|      2|       apple|2.000000000000000000|      2|       apple|2.000000000000000000|   true|        true|           true|

The final step is to filter the column comparison result and only keep the records where at least one “check” column is false. Spark’s API is very flexible and I’m sure there are many ways to do this but here is the approach I opted for:

// Generates a "NOT productCheck OR NOT saleAmountCheck OR ..." sql WHERE clause
val filterExpr = jobAOutput.columns
    .map(colName => s"NOT ${colName}Check")
    .reduce(_ + " OR " + _)

val mismatchedTransactions = transactionPairComparisonResult.filter(expr(filterExpr))

This gives us the result we want:

|JobA_id|JobA_product|     JobA_saleAmount|JobB_id|JobB_product|     JobB_saleAmount|idCheck|productCheck|saleAmountCheck|
|      1|       apple|2.000000000000000000|      1|       apple|3.000000000000000000|   true|        true|          false|

We can write this dataframe to a human readable file for further debugging. Now we have three output files to show us any incorrect output of Job B.


The sample code demonstrates how one can use spark to compare two data sets that you expect to be identical and also help you debug them if they’re not.

Spark has a vast and powerful API. If Spark provides a handy function for this use case or you see an obvious way the code can be improved then please let me know!

You can find the runnable sample code in this github repository. Thanks for reading!

Written on September 5, 2020