EVM Puzzles

The EVM puzzles test your understanding of EVM bytecode. I went down the rabbit hole to understand contract bytecode and here I present to you my solutions. A helpful source for understanding how opcodes interact with the stack can be found here.

Puzzle 1

The lines


To jump to the destination we need CALLVALUE = 0x08.

Puzzle 2

We want to choose a call value and code size such that CODESIZE - CALLVALUE == 0x06. The codesize is 10 bytes so we need the call value to be 4.

Puzzle 3

To jump to line 4 the call data size must be 4 bytes. Any 4 byte payload will do, like 0x00000000.

Puzzle 4

For this challenge we want the XOR of two arguments to jump to the desired line. It will be helpful to look at CALLVALUE and CODESIZE, and the line’s binary representations.

The jump destination is line 0A, or 1010 (base 2). The code size is 12 bytes, or 1100 (base 2). We want to choose a value x such that x ^ 1100 == 1010. The answer is 6.

Puzzle 5

For this challenge I found it helpful to visualize the stack after each instruction.

CALLVALUE       => stack = [CALLVALUE]
DUP1            => stack = [CALLVALUE, CALLVALUE]
MUL             => stack = [CALLVALUE**2]
PUSH2 0100      => stack = [0x0100, CALLVALUE**2]
EQ              => ?

What do we have on the stack after EQ? Well, that depends on CALLVALUE. Recall the EQ opcode consumes two items from the stack and produces one. If the two items are equal it will push 0x01 onto the stack, otherwise it will push 0x00 onto the stack. In our case we want it to push 0x01 so we must set CALLVALUE = sqrt(0x0100) = 16 (base 10)

Puzzle 6

The CALLDATALOAD opcode takes element x off the stack and reads the 32 byte word in calldata starting at offset x. In this challenge we’re reading from offset 0x00. We want the first 32 bytes of call data to be the jump destination: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a

Puzzle 7

This challenge uses the calldata to deploy a contract with the CREATE opcode. We essentially need to write creation + runtime contract bytecode where the deployment bytecode is only a single byte in length.

Contract creation bytecode

A quick primer on contract creation bytecode: the bytecode loads the runtime bytecode into memory and returns it. We could write something like this

Creation bytecode
00 PUSH1 0x01   (0x6001)
02 PUSH1 0x0c   (0x600c)
04 PUSH1 0x00   (0x6000)
06 CODECOPY     (0x39)
07 PUSH1 0x01   (0x6001)
09 PUSH1 0x00   (0x6000)
0b RETURN       (0xF3)
Runtime bytecode
0c INVALID      (0xFE)

This code copies 1 byte of code to memory starting at line 0c and returns that byte. If we sent this bytecode with a contract creation transaction then it would create a contract whose bytecode is just the single byte 0xFE. This is exactly what we need to solve the puzzle.

As a bytecode string the answer is: 0x6001601160003960016000F3FE.

Puzzle 8

This is another creation bytecode puzzle. The code calls our newly created contract and jumps only if the CALL opcode returns 0. Let’s look at our opcode reference to figure out how to make CALL return 0: if the call is successful it returns 1, otherwise it returns 0. Therefore our newly created contract should revert. All we have to do is change the runtime bytecode from our previous solutions to be REVERT.

Creation bytecode
00 PUSH1 0x01   (0x6001)
02 PUSH1 0x0c   (0x600c)
04 PUSH1 0x00   (0x6000)
06 CODECOPY     (0x39)
07 PUSH1 0x01   (0x6001)
09 PUSH1 0x00   (0x6000)
0b RETURN       (0xF3)
Runtime bytecode
0c REVERT       (0xFD)

As a bytecode string the answer is: 0x6001600c60003960016000F3FD.

Puzzle 9

For the first jump we need 0x03 < CALLDATASIZE and for the second jump we need CALLVALUE * CALLDATASIZE = 0x08. To satisfy the constraints we’ll choose a 4 byte long calldata, e.g. 0x00000000 and a value of 2.

Puzzle 10

For the first jump we need CODESIZE > CALLVALUE. For the second jump we need CALLDATASIZE % 3 == 0 and CALLVALUE + 0x0a = 0x1b. A call value of 15 and calldata 0x000000 will satisfy the constraints.

Written on April 30, 2022