Using Scala implicits

Implicits is a scala feature that often gets a bad rap. Like any tool, it can be both used AND abused. I’m convinced if you know how and when to apply them your scala code will look and feel cleaner. Here are some use cases, mostly taken from Programming Scala, 2nd Edition

Type Class Pattern - Adding behavior to types

This is a convenient way to add methods to any type, also known as ad hoc polymorphism

Suppose I am constructing an application to collect census data and I want to write each of the following models to separate CSV files (comma separated values).

case class Household(address: String, numOccupants: Int)
case class Person(fullName: String, age: Int, homeAddress: String)

How can I convert Household and Person to strings of comma separated values? Without using implicits, I might define top level functions:

// Convert a household to its CSV representation
def toCSVRepr(household: Household): String =
  household.addres + "," + household.numOccupants.toString

// Convert a Person to their CSV representation
def toCSVRepr(person: Person): String =
  person.fullName + "," + person.age.toString + "," + person.homeAdress

val household = Household("1 Strawberry St", 5)
val person = Person("Dalton Sweeney", 22, "1 Strawberry St")

val householdCSVRepr = toCSVRepr(household)
val personCSVRepr = toCSVRepr(person)

This is fine but we might prefer to be able to call toCSVRepr directly on instances of Household and Person. We can use implicits for this.

object Implicits {
  trait ToCSVRepr {
    def toCSVRepr: String

  implicit class HouseholdToCSVRepr(household: Household) extends ToCSVRepr {
    def toCSVRepr: String = household.addres + "," + household.numOccupants.toString

  implicit class PersonToCSVRepr(person: Person) extends ToCSVRepr {
    def toCSVRepr: String = person.fullName + "," + person.age.toString + "," + person.homeAdress

import Implicits._

val householdCSVRepr = Household("1 Strawberry St", 5).toCSVRepr
val personCSVRepr = Person("Dalton Sweeney", 22, "1 Strawberry St").toCSVRepr

How can I call toCSVRepr on instances of Household and Person when it’s not defined on those classes? Here’s what’s happening under the hood:

  1. At val householdToCSVRepr = ..., the compiler notices that toCSVRepr is not defined on Household
  2. It searches for any definition of toCSVRepr in scope.
  3. If there is a toCSVRepr definition in scope and it’s wrapped in an implicit class that can be instantiated from an instance of Household, then we’re good to go. HouseholdToCSVRepr satisfies these requirements.
  4. Household("1 Strawberry St", 5) is implicitly substituted with HouseholdToCSVRepr(Household("1 Strawberry St", 5)).

Very cool! The implicit classes HouseholdToCSVRepr and PersonToCSVRepr are known as type classes

It’s also convenient to wrap your type classes in an Implicits object, that way they can be imported only exactly where they are needed. You don’t want implicits running around your project willy-nilly!

The object oriented alternative

Rather than using type classes, we could have had both Household and Person extend from a trait defining toCSVRepr:

sealed trait Model {
  def toCSVRepr: String

case class Household(...) extends Model {
  override def toCSVRepr: String = ...

case class Person(...) extends Model {
  override def toCSVRepr: String = ...

There are several reasons you might not want this, depending on your use case.

The benefits of type classes over inheritance

Sometimes the classes on which you want to define your common method have no obvious shared hierarchy and it doesn’t make sense to have them extend from the same base class/trait. Creating a common superclass can seem forced and unreasonable.

Secondly, there is one great advantage to type classes over inheritance when designing API’s used by clients. Suppose a API/feature is requested by a small but important subset of clients.

If you were to add methods for this new feature to a base class and force all subclasses to implement them, this would burden all clients with the new methods. Your new methods are exposed to a lot of clients that don’t need or care about them!

Using the type class pattern and ad hoc polymorphism, these new methods could be defined as implicit classes in an Implicits object/package. Clients who need the new feature can decide to import this new object/package. The API doesn’t change at all for the other clients and everyone is happy!

Constrain the types that can be applied to a function

Now that we’ve successfully converted households and persons to CSV representation using ad hoc polymorphism we need a way of converting them back to instances of their respective classes. In this section I’ll show you how implicits can help us in going from the raw data representation (CSV) to the model representation (Household and Person).

Without implicits it might look something like this:

def getHousehold(csvRepr: String): Household = {
  val parts = csvRepr.split(",")
  val address = parts(0)
  val numOccupants = parts(1).toInt
  Household(address, numOccupants)

def getPerson(csvRepr: String): Person = {
  val parts = csvRepr.split(",")
  val fullName = parts(0)
  val age = parts(1).toInt
  val homeAddress = parts(2)
  Person(fullName, age, homeAddress)

val householdRepr: String = ...
val personRepr: String = ...

val household = getHousehold(householdRepr)
val person = getPerson(personRepr)

With implicits, we can define an implicit class with a parameterized method:

implicit class ModelAsCSV(csvRepr: String) {
  def get[T](implicit val toT: String => T): T = toT(csvRepr)

Now we’ll be able to call

val household = householdRepr.get[Household]
val person = personRepr.get[Person]

As long as we implement implicit values for String => Household and String => Person

implicit val csvReprToHousehold: String => Household = (s: String) => {
  val parts = s split ","
  val address = parts(0)
  val numOccupants = parts(1).toInt
  Household(address, numOccupants)

implicit val csvReprToPerson: String => Person = (s: String) => {
  val parts = s split ","
  val fullName = parts(0)
  val age = parts(1).toInt
  val homeAddress = parts(2)
  Person(fullName, age, homeAddress)

Voila! get[T] is only available for types T that have an implicit String => T in scope.

Passing around contexts, connections, and sessions, and more

Execution contexts, database connects, authentication sessions, and more. What do they have in common? They often act as boilerplate parameters to a lot of methods. It would be nice if we could avoid writing them altogether for most method calls. Implicit method parameters allow us to do this.

Scala Futures

Execution contexts are what futures use to execute the function passed to their apply method. We are often content with using the default global execution context:

import ExecutionContext.Implicits.Global

val f = Future[String] {
  "Hello from the future!"

is equivalent to

val ec: ExecutionContext = ...
val f = Future[String] {
  "Hello from the future!"

It may not seem like much now, but in a highly concurrent application that uses futures everywhere it avoids a lot of writing and makes reading code easier.

Other objects

You could imagine similar use cases for objects like database connections, thread pools, and authentication sessions.


  • If you are passing around a lot of boilerplate method parameters, implicit parameters are your friend.
  • If you need ad hoc polymorphism and don’t think type inheritance is the right choice, use the technique of implicit classes outlined in the article.
  • If you need to constrain the allowed types on a method, use the implicit classes with implicit val technique outlined in the article.

There is another technique for constraining allowed types called implicit evidence that I omitted in this article for the sake of keeping it simple. It is less widely used, but read up if you’re curious.

Thanks for reading!

Written on December 4, 2019